Parisa Rose
Apr 8, 20202 min read
Lest We Forget
Sometimes it takes a catastrophe to make a change. Sometimes it takes something that rocks our entire world, and causes much suffering,...

Parisa Rose
Nov 5, 20181 min read
The ancestor of your future happiness
There’s this wonderful poem by David Whyte that stirs me deeply.  If you’re not a poetry fan, here’s just one bit from it that I found...
Parisa Rose
Aug 3, 20174 min read
Brain Hacks
So, here we are.  We know for sure that we are here.  (And that’s about all I know for sure.)  Through no will of our own, we have been...
Parisa Rose
Jun 3, 20172 min read
Being the change and other truthful clichés
The last post was centred around the idea of equanimity. Â Being okay with what is. Â Whatever that is. Â A spacious awareness; an open,...

Parisa Rose
May 31, 20172 min read
Do you ever feel like you’re learning the same lesson over and over again, only to forget? Sometimes I feel like I’m in a spiral and I’m...