Parisa Rose
Nov 22, 202110 min read
A Brief Introduction to My Fascination With Virtual Reality
My hands move to the pulse of the music, and make the sparkles hanging in the air swirl and spin, leaving streaks of glittering colours...
Parisa Rose
Oct 4, 20212 min read
What makes me a qualified teacher?
What makes me a qualified teacher? It is not a constant state of serenity, or knowing all the answers, or being better than you. In fact,...
Parisa Rose
May 27, 20213 min read
On Reality (Part 3: What does it matter?)
[continued from PART 2] What if we’re wrong about everything? What if our theories continue to be overturned as more and more pieces of...
Parisa Rose
Apr 30, 20213 min read
On Reality (Part 1: It is strange to be here)
“It is strange to be here” is the first line of John O’Donohue’s Anam Cara, a book of insight and wisdom, reflecting on what it is to be...
Parisa Rose
Mar 31, 20212 min read
It is hard to remember sometimes. Some days, it is hard to see what is good, what is beautiful, even what is true. As we get to know...
Parisa Rose
Mar 11, 20214 min read
Anything can be a path to awakening
What if a wiser person -- much wiser than I -- told you that anything can be a path to awakening?
Well… Sometimes, there’s a movie...
Parisa Rose
Feb 24, 20214 min read
A brief introduction to my fascination with virtual reality
In the gap between posting on the old site and starting this new site, I have become enchanted with VR and its ever-expanding possibilities.
Parisa Rose
Aug 29, 20182 min read
Movies & Mindfulness
As far back as I can remember, movies have touched me very deeply.
When I examine why, there are many reasons, but here’s one that comes up